There are various types of Nepali songs that we play and listen in terms of religion, caste place and culture.People sing songs in different types of festivals such as marriage, bartabandha, fair and festivals."Driver Ma Mailo".
This the lyrics of Sunana Kohi Ta goes like this. Sunana Kohi Ta Mero Samu Kohi Basechha, Andharyo Mero Jibaanma Kaho Bata Jyoti Jharechha, Ye Baatash... Yee Hawa... Na Chalaide Unilia, Ye Jhari ye Baadal.. na rujhai jai dai unilai.

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Posted By On 3:23 AM Under , ,
Untouchable is a bad  social evil prevalent in our country due to caste system. Under such system some castes people are regarded as untouchable by higher castes people.. They are downtrodden people. They are prohibited to enter the house of high caste people and high caste people do not eat food cooked or touched by them. This system is a stigma for Nepalese society. It has degraded humanity and violated human rights and dignity. Thus has made very bad discrimination among  the people on the basis of birth. Therefore, such social evils must be uprooted from the society through joint efforts of the people.
According to some sources (may be in Kantipur TV or Nepal TV,  Nepal One or other) I came to know that unaccountability  has been 100% eliminated from our country.