There are various types of Nepali songs that we play and listen in terms of religion, caste place and culture.People sing songs in different types of festivals such as marriage, bartabandha, fair and festivals."Driver Ma Mailo".
This the lyrics of Sunana Kohi Ta goes like this. Sunana Kohi Ta Mero Samu Kohi Basechha, Andharyo Mero Jibaanma Kaho Bata Jyoti Jharechha, Ye Baatash... Yee Hawa... Na Chalaide Unilia, Ye Jhari ye Baadal.. na rujhai jai dai unilai.

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Activities being carried on now to prevent trafficking or alleviate the suffering experienced.

Posted By On 1:57 AM Under , ,
Government of Nepal, NGO and INGO are actively working against girl trafficking. Maiti Nepal, a non-government organization, is also effectively working for the rehabilitation of trafficked girls whom they call back from India and somewhere else or those who voluntarily return. This organization also generates awareness to deter (निरुत्साहित गर्न ) girl trafficking. Similarly, fifteen organizations have joined together to form 'Alliance against trafficking of women and girls in Nepal (AATWIN)' that will arise an important national and international issue and strictly prohibits girl trafficking, punishes brokers and rehabilitates trafficked girls. The news, views, information, etc. are punished in different newspapers, journals and magazines are also contributing a lot to root this out. Hence, many brokers and traffickers have been arrested, trafficked girls or women have been returned and many girls or women have been caught in border or at the time of bargaining.