During the 1990s, our neighboring kingdom, Bhutan faced a serious problem. The problem was created by the government and its people. The people, mainly the ones who were originally from Nepal, were treated badly by the government. They were forced to adopt Bhutanese way of life, including wearing clothes, social custom, language, etc. They revolted against the decision made by the government and demanded human rights. The king of Bhutan considered it against the soil of the country and treated those people cruelly. Many of the leaders were arrested and put into prison. The people could not resist the atrocities forced by the Bhutanese Government. So, they left their country and came to Nepal and began to live as refugees in several camps in eastern Terai.
It is a serious problem both for Bhutanese people as well as Nepal. Nepal itself is facing problems of over population. When more people are added then it cannot cope with the situation with its limited resources.
Meaning of Hawaijahaj by Sajjan Raj Vaidya (Video, Lyrics and Translations)
English translation of the words in the picture: It has been ages, love,
since I last saw you. Since my heart has met its beat. But without standing
in fro...
8 years ago