There are various types of Nepali songs that we play and listen in terms of religion, caste place and culture.People sing songs in different types of festivals such as marriage, bartabandha, fair and festivals."Driver Ma Mailo".
This the lyrics of Sunana Kohi Ta goes like this. Sunana Kohi Ta Mero Samu Kohi Basechha, Andharyo Mero Jibaanma Kaho Bata Jyoti Jharechha, Ye Baatash... Yee Hawa... Na Chalaide Unilia, Ye Jhari ye Baadal.. na rujhai jai dai unilai.

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Corruption - a social problem

Posted By On 2:25 AM Under ,
Corruption is going against the norms of most of the post and abuse of power and authority. Bribery, favouritism, nepotism, economic irregularity, hiding of proof, verdict against the innocent, using public property for personal use are some of the examples of corruption. Nepal is a country among the countries of high rate corruption. If we do not control corruption, development can't be possible as expected. Rule of law is limited only in slogan if there is corruption.
Corruption is a serious social problem in our country. Corruption is the main obstacle of development of our country. It is taken as social problem due to the reasons below:
  1. Corruption slows down the development activities.
  2. It discourages the spirit of skilled and honest citizen.
  3. Corruption affects the fair distribution of resources and opportunities negatively.
  4. Corruption doesn't let democracy function well.